[Lazarus] Text selection not visible in "find in files" dialog

Graeme Geldenhuys graemeg at opensoft.homeip.net
Tue Aug 4 15:29:14 CEST 2009

Mattias Gaertner wrote:
>> I'll double check in Mantis to see if there is a bug report,
>> otherwise I will created one. I'll also see if I have the time today
>> at work, to do a regression test to see in which revision it broke.
> It is the auto completion. It undoes all selections.
> As workaround you can disable it with the button to the right.

That's what I thought, but a small test project with the exact same 
TComboBox setup as in the "Find in Files" .lfm file - my test project 
worked. I noticed the issue is in the standard "Find..." dialog as well.

Thanks to 'git bisect' and 11 recompiles of Lazarus IDE, I found the 
revision causing the issue.

So from the bisect results, it is r19936 that causes the issue. I'll 
file a bug report with this information.

Looking at the r19936 I can't see anything obvious that could cause the 
error, but I double checked. r19935 works and r19936 doesn't, so it is 
definitely that commit.

=========[ bisect result ]===================
0ac4dda5116fa60fec59470dd3743ee922b8fb59 is first bad commit
commit 0ac4dda5116fa60fec59470dd3743ee922b8fb59
Author: paul <paul at freepascal.org>
Date:   Tue May 12 05:23:55 2009 +0000

     lcl: request Font and Color update after DestroyWnd call to 
properly restore them after new Handle creation (fixes issue #0011935)

     git-svn-id: http://svn2.freepascal.org/svn/lazarus/trunk@19936 

:040000 040000 c157ba1f5901e9cc781d7476c79df85f62ac577d 
f5e8810f6477d02bb579d4b6f80cb3870dda121f M	lcl

   - Graeme -

fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

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