[Lazarus] Release 1.0, part 2

Alexsander Rosa alexsander.rosa at gmail.com
Tue Dec 1 12:26:12 CET 2009

We must realize that a college teacher/software engineer willing to use
Lazarus at her classes/work is an ally. Sometimes she is having a hard time
convincing her superiors that it's Ok to use Lazarus because, you know,
version numbers are irrelevant. For the seasoned free software user, it
makes no difference -- but for faculty staff or employees, it does.

2009/12/1 Michael Joyner  <mjoyner at vbservices.net>

> Marco van de Voort wrote:
>> That's why a lot commercial software aimed at bulk user have yearnumber
>> versioning, and open source projects not. Even the major distributions
>> (only
>> Mandrake and SUSE, that rely on selling versions have)
> Hrm.. Have Ubuntu or Year based style versioning would make it easier to
> convince faculty to use it for teaching puposes.
>  IOW If you change to it, you make it easy to understand for a group that
>> is
>> not the target audience, which makes no sense.
> Who is choosing the target audience?

Alexsander da Rosa
Linux User #113925

"Extremismo na defesa da liberdade não é defeito.
Moderação na busca por justiça não é virtude."
-- Barry Goldwater
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