[Lazarus] QT bindings as defalt (was Release 1.0, part 2)

Graeme Geldenhuys graeme at mastermaths.co.za
Wed Dec 2 15:48:47 CET 2009

Phil Hess wrote:
> If Delphi is dead, then what's Lazarus?

What I meant to say was that after about Delphi 7 and the rise of Visual
Studio + .NET, Delphi took a major hit in popularity. Combine that with
Borlands many failed attempt at getting into .NET and then deciding to
sell Delphi, the future looked bleak.

This is what I meant with the uncertain future of Delphi (looking
similar to Kylix). That's the time our company moved to FPC and Lazarus.
The open source toolchain had a brighter future, so the idea of keeping
ported components active for Delphi did not seem worth the effort.

Embarcadero seems to be doing a better job with Delphi now, so maybe now
there is more intensive to keep backward compatibility with Delphi. But
I'm not going to bother.

> The subtext is that with Delphi you can pull off the hat trick of a
> 2.3 million line app that sells for big bucks and where the client
> does not tolerate bugs or instabilities or excuses. Can anyone make
> that claim for Lazarus?

Well, our application is not quite that big, sitting around 300,000
lines of code at the moment. Our product also sells well (I'm still
employed <wink>), and has an install base of over 15,000 computers. So
yeah, I don't think we are doing to bad considering we are not using a
commercial product like Delphi, but rather open source software like FPC
and Lazarus.

  - Graeme -

fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

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