[Lazarus] DBGrid / DBNavigator not refreshing

Chris Jennings cjvanbc at gmail.com
Sun Dec 6 19:24:37 CET 2009

On Sunday 06 December 2009 14:49, Luiz Americo Pereira Camara wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to test the Qt Interface under win32.
> I've got the intf binding (1.72) and QtCore.dll and QtGui.dll version
> 4.6.0 but i got an error loading the compiled app:
> Original message (Brazillian)
> "Não foi possível localizar o ponto de entrada do procedimento
> _ZN7QWidget17setAccessibleNameERK7QString na biblioteca de vínculo
> dinâmico QtGui4.dll."
> Translate (Try)
> "Could not find method entry point
> _ZN7QWidget17setAccessibleNameERK7QString dynamic "something" QtGui4.dll."
> Can someone point to a location where i can download a Lazarus
> compatible qt dll?
> Using Lazarus 0.9.29 r22953 FPC 2.4.0 i386-win32-win32/win64

I'm successfully using 4.6.0 and 1.72 dll.
QtCore.dll and QtGui.dll aren't enough.
You must have QtCore, QtGui, QtNetwork, QtWebKit, mingw10.dll, some_libc_.dll 
(cannot remember exact name now - not on windows), and I think that I'm using 
also QtXmlPatterns. Conclusion: you are missing some 4.6.0 dll or you have 
mismatched dll's (look at PATH env variables).


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