[Lazarus] Help getting Lazarus to work under Fedora 11 /w mySQL 5.1

Mattias Gaertner nc-gaertnma at netcologne.de
Sun Dec 13 11:56:30 CET 2009

On Sat, 12 Dec 2009 19:50:59 -0800
Chris Jennings <cjvanbc at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi All
> A newbie needs help so that he can return to developing under his 
> prefered environment - Linux.
> Everything is working fine under Win XP, with the same versions of the 
> development tools. I am actually making good headway in laying out a 
> basic program. My past experience /w Delphi is comming back even though 
> it has been a number of years since I worked in that environment.
> I must also be able to work with mySQL 5.1 as this version is in use at 
> a potential client and a horde of data is stored within. Thus, I have 
> installed the ZEOSDBO components.
> My Environmrnt
> Fedora 11 /w all updates
> fpc2.2.2-3 (Fedora rpm)
> lazarus- (Fedora rpm)
> ZeosDBO-6.6.5-stable
>      Zeos appears to compile properly
> mysql
> mysql client programs & shared libs
> mysql-devlopment files
> mysql libs
>   All of the above mySQL packages are from Fedora rpms and version
> All packages are (x86_64) were available.
> When I place a ZConnection (ZEOS DBO) component on a form and set all 
> its connection parameteres correctly (database, host, user, password), I 
> get the following error when I try to set the ZConnection's Connected 
> value to True.
> "None of the dynamic link libraries can be found. libmysqlclient.so.15 
> libmysqlclient.so"
> These libraries are on my system under /usr/lib64/mysql
> I have played with the following line in /etc/fpc.cfg to no avail
> -Fl/lib;/usr/lib >> eg. -FL/lib;/usr/lib64/mysql

-Fl lowercase l
/lib and /usr/lib are already in the default linux linker search path.

check with 

ldconfig -v | grep -i mysql

what mysql libs are installed on your system.

> I have tried to recompile Lazarus although this should not matter if I 
> am correct in believing that this file is read each time the program is 
> initiated.


> What am I doing wrong. I have to be able to do this work on a Linux 
> system as that will be the environemnt eventually used by the system I 
> hope to develop.


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