[Lazarus] Discussion on FPC list about new Forum Lazarus+FPC and more

Osvaldo Filho arquivostcf at gmail.com
Tue Dec 15 15:22:43 CET 2009

>>> I know Skype has a public API, but I haven't looked into it yet. I
>>> thought I would ask here first.
>> Skype has no direct relation to SIP ?
> True, it uses some proprietary protocol for VoIP. But I did take a
> brief look at the API. They do allow 3rd party software to control the
> Skype client (eg: adding a contact, changing the online status,
> initiating a call, etc.)
> Skype seems to be quite popular (I'm not really into such chatting
> apps much)
Here in Brazil Skype is growing rapidly. The reason is that Voip 
providers are charging rates similar to regular phone rate which are 
VERY HIGH in Brazil. Skype is much cheaper. Interesting enough, Voip 
servers located in Europe provide calls to Brazil with rates similar (at 
times even cheaper) to Skype. The problem is that the quality is usually 
very poor since a voip packet must go from Brazil -> US -> 
Europe(Server) -> US -> Brazil. The lag is usually not acceptable.

Ok, now to the question. I am writing an app that uses Skype. Skype has 
seperate (and not compatable) API's for Windows, Linux and Mac. The 
API's are complex and not very well documented (Or for me at the moment 
too connfusing). I chose to go with an ActiveX wrapper called 
Sype4ComLib due to time constraints. Unfortunately that limited me to 
Delphi7 and windows. Once it's working I may (or may not) try to write 
my own interface to use both the windows and linux api's and then port 
to FPC.

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