[Lazarus] Undo for Form Designer

JoshyFun joshyfun at gmail.com
Thu Dec 31 16:37:26 CET 2009

Hello Lazarus-List,

Thursday, December 31, 2009, 4:08:11 PM, you wrote:

MG> Notes:
MG> Changing a property (e.g. Left) changes some other properties too and
MG> there is no hook. So for undo you must store the whole form plus the
MG> descendant forms plus the referenced forms plus the source changes. This
MG> costs much time and memory. For example with some images you easily get
MG> a megabyte.
MG> So it would be unwise to create an undo step on every change. 
It would be great to at least have 1 step undo, specially when you try
to delete a visual object but the selected one is the container ;) Or
maybe a container delete with objects inside should raise some kind of
warning ?

Best regards,

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