[Lazarus] is it me or a bug that i ve been fighting?

waldo kitty wkitty42 at windstream.net
Mon Jan 19 08:33:00 CET 2009

waldo kitty wrote:
> Project raised exception class 'External SIGSEGV'
> at which point i could only click on the [OK] button in that box... then it 
> appeared that my box was locked up but it took a minute or so and another box 
> appeared titled "Assembly" with what appeared to be a list of addresses but i 
> farkled things up by attempting to scroll the box to see what may have been 
> listed and i lost the starting point that it gave me...
> so, at that point, i used the Laz GUI's "stop" (CTRL-F2 IIRC) option to 
> terminate the app but now i'm still waiting on Laz to come back to life... since 
> it has been over 5 minutes, it appears that i'm going to have to reboot the 
> system to get it back and try to go on further :?

and another followup... i finally ended up using enditall to kill the gdb and 
laz tasks... laz first since i didn't notice gdb until afterward... anyway, i 
then reloaded laz and ran my app via F9 again... this time, i left the Assembler 
(not Assembly as previously stated) window alone when it came up and after a 
minute or so, its output finally settled down such that the output looks like so...

03508E48 ......
03508E49 ......
03508E4A ......
03508E4B ......
03508E4C ......
03508E4D ......
03508E4E ......
03508E4F ......
03508E50 ......
03508E51 ......
03508E52 ......
03508E53 ......
03508E54 ......
03508E55 ......
03508E56 ......
03508E57 ......
03508E58 ......
03508E59 ......
03508E5A ......
03508E5B ......
03508E5C ......

and that's all i can see without mucking about with that box...

since i can't resist, i did try to scroll up to see what i could see and i have 
this for the X entries above the starting and including the first one in the 

BFF8AC0F ......
BFF8AC10 ......
BFF8AC11 ......
BFF8AC12 ......
BFF8AC13            << starting point of above...

dunno know if that helps anyone or not.. it doesn't help me as it appears to be 
addresses but there's no associated content :(


       (@@)                      Waldo Kitty, Waldo's Place USA
__ooO_( )_Ooo_____________________ telnet://bbs.wpusa.dynip.com
_|_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|_____ http://www.wpusa.dynip.com
____|_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|____ ftp://ftp.wpusa.dynip.com
_|_Eat_SPAM_to_email_me!_YUM!__|_____ wkitty42 -at- windstream.net

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