[Lazarus] C++ syntax highlighting not working

Martin Friebe lazarus at mfriebe.de
Fri Jan 30 14:54:16 CET 2009

you are righjt,

I also found where it was introduced.
I will fix it tonight.

In the meantime Synedit.pp ;line 3309
        if (FFoldedLinesView.Ranges[CurLine] = nil) then begin
          DrawHiLightMarkupToken(nil, PChar(Pointer(sLine)), Length(sLine));

You may simply remove the surrounding if condition

Lord Satan wrote:
> As the subject says.
> See Environment->Options->Editor->Colors.
> Set Language to C++ and no highlighting at all (the same is true for Python, Unix Shell Script, PHP, Perl, SQL), but only for C++ I know that it used to work.
> Just wanted to verify that it is not only my problem before filing a bug report.
> Ubuntu 8.10 64-Bit, Laz svn version 18505, fpc 2.3.1

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