[Lazarus] Interact with M$ Word

Bart bartjunk64 at gmail.com
Fri Jan 30 20:01:36 CET 2009

On 1/30/09, Jesus Reyes <jesusrmx at yahoo.com.mx> wrote:
> StringGrid1.CopyToClipboard;
>  Word->Paste and done.
No sorry, it will paste as text in Word.
For me personally that is good enough, I can convert text into table in Word.
The endusers will most probably not be able to remeber how to do this
and find the whole procedure to cumbersome.
The app is intended to make filling in the Word Table (creating and
calculating codes from timedifferences), so super ease of use is a

(Also .CopyToClipBoard copies to much cells in my case, but that's trivial)


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