[Lazarus] Wiki-like editor component [synedit ?]

Marc Santhoff M.Santhoff at web.de
Fri Jun 19 17:40:55 CEST 2009

Am Donnerstag, den 18.06.2009, 16:00 +0100 schrieb Martin Friebe:
> Marc Santhoff wrote:
> > Can somebody comment on the fitness of synedit components for this task,
> > please?
> >   
> See comments below
> > I'd like to use a component from the LCL to make an editor widget behave
> > similar to a wiki, the goal is to
> >
> > - have only some very basic formattings like bold headlines for guiding
> > the readers eye better
> >   
> You can write your own highlighter (and/or markup modules), to do this.
> However there are limitations, which will be hard to work round:
> - supports only one font, at one size,
> - will display all chars in a monospaced grid, (no proportional 
> display); however you can allocate multiply grid-cells for a single char 
> if needed
> If you want do deal with "<b>"bold text</b>, then you need to write code 
> that stops the tags from being displayed. It is not yet foreseen, but it 
> can actually be done.
> SynEdit accesses the text through a system of "Views" (like expanding 
> tabs). you can add in your own module, and filter certain text out.
> > - use links with vivible formatting (all links are blue/underlined, the
> > fire an event when clicked)
> >   
> That is there already, see IDE ctrl-mouse links
> > - show some pictures with the text (best would be inlined)
> >   
> Nothing there yet, not even basics.
> There may be a chance to do emoticons or icons, that have the same 
> height as the font.  (because the the line height is kept). But you have 
> to write the extra code from scratch.

Many thanks for this elaborate answer.

Seems I have to draw the same conclusion as DoDi in his mail, synedit is
not the right starting point.

I'll go looking at the RichEdit-component then. RTF has it's roots in
the evil empire but has grown to sort of e least common denominator for
interchanging formattet text, and many applications are able to handle

Marc Santhoff <M.Santhoff at web.de>

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