[Lazarus] Git tip: use bisect to find regression bugs quickly

Martin Friebe lazarus at mfriebe.de
Mon Jun 29 14:33:51 CEST 2009

Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:
> What should also be mentioned to users wanting to use such an automated
> regression script with SubVersion, is that you better have a fast
> internet connection and lots of bandwidth. Using that script with my
> unreliable 3G connection and limited bandwidth, it's just not feasible.
> The main advantage with Git (and probably Mercurial too) is that the
> whole repository history is already on you computer (local), so
> checkouts are instant and can be done while offline.

"The main advantage with Git "

Why is that an advantage? I mean, it may be an advantage for some 
people, but the way way you generalize it, it sounds that would be an 
advantage for everyone? I much prefer to have the repository on the server.

And if I understand this correct, then GIT downloads *every* 
intermediate version to your PC, every time you upgrade (otherwise, how 
can they already be there). That to me would be a disadvantage, I may 
never need that data.


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