[Lazarus] GPL'ed projects and closed-sourced tools

Hans-Peter Diettrich DrDiettrich1 at aol.com
Wed Mar 4 09:46:50 CET 2009

svaa schrieb:

> In Ada language forum they have had many times this discussion. The 
> following are the constant conclusions:
> Dynamic linking has nothing to do with GPL. If DLLs are GPL and you use 
> them, you must grant access to the source of DLL, not to the full 
> project. Static linking of GPL tools require you to publish the final 
> product as GPL, and grant access to the sources of the full project.

IMO the kind of linking is irrelevant. When a project makes use of 
GPL'ed modules, it has to be GPL'ed itself. For libraries the LGPL has 
been released, which does not infect the users.


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