[Lazarus] Adding units to a project

Antonio Sanguigni a.sanguigni at gmail.com
Wed Mar 4 18:01:31 CET 2009

Flávio Etrusco wrote:
>> 1) Logic should be separated from the presentation, so first there should be
>> 'TAbstractSynEdit' class, concerning itself purely with text manipulations,
>> such as text insertion/deletion, cursor position changes, text
>> attribute calculation,
>> save/loading, codetools etc.
>> TAbstractSynEdit should not depend on any visual code, in partucular it should
>> descend from TObject/TPersistent, not TControl.
> My vision deviates a bit from this in the sense that TAbstractSynEdit
> would just be an abstraction (or dedicated implementation) of a
> cleaner text manipulation interface (as TStrings won't cut it), which
> would also implement transparent/automatic/implicit 'undo' handling.
> Then each command would be a class, probably inheriting from TAction.
Just read this, ....

I had the same idea, and am in progress with something like this.
I needed it to abstract layers of functionality. for example trimming 
trailing spaces. If it should work as a transparent plugin it needs 
access to undo/redo.

My current approach is:

- I separated SynEdit.Lines from the internal textbuffer (so textbuffer 
has no longer a need to be TStrings based (it still is, because i didn't 
take the time to change it))

- I add a few basic methods such as
  InsertText(x,y, substring); DeleteText,(x,y, len) ; BreakLine, 
JoinLine (maybe InsertNewLine, DeleteEntireLine)  [*]
  - they can deal with undo and redo
  - In SynEdit all operations can be reduced to the above (and don't 
care about undo/redo)

Since TrailingSpaces is already a wrapper around the TextBuffer, it can 
simply intercept those methods, and deal with them.

The only flaw I still have with this is, that currently all the 
SynEditText* (wrappers around the actual textbuffer, doing, spaces, 
tabs, folding....) are combining Display and Edit functionality.

It would be nice to be able to write a TSynDisplay class first, and 
inherit the editor from it....

Best Regards

of course insertText could detect newlines, but it  adds complexity. It 
will be simpler if SynEdit keeps control of this level, and InsertText, 
only operates on the current line

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