[Lazarus] [Fwd: A few hacky patches (resent)]

Martin Friebe lazarus at mfriebe.de
Fri May 22 02:20:17 CEST 2009

Martin Friebe wrote:
>>> laz-synpatch-005.patch
>>> This is a gross hack, but it allows clicking *anywhere* on the grey 
>>> fold line in the gutter to fold
>>> that particular level of routine. I have some procedures that are 
>>> very long and it's nice to be able
>>> to click on that line from the bottom of the procedure and have it 
>>> fold up on me.
> Makes me wonder, how it integrates, with the ability to configure 
> which mouse button triggers which action
> Also the code to do it already exist (Synedit line 6236) for the 
> keyboard shortcut:
>>       EcFoldCurrent:
>>         begin
>>           CY := FFoldedLinesView.ExpandedLineForBlockAtLine(CaretY);
>>           if CY > 0 then begin
>>             FFoldedLinesView.FoldAtTextIndex(CY-1);
>>             SetCaretXY(Point(1, CY));
>>           end;
>>         end;
> Lastly, this can be done already via the context menu too (contextmenu 
> over the foldline)
> => The idea for such a shortcut is good, need to think about if this 
> is done in a good way currently....
It mast be optional too (via config) and IMHO not enabled by default.

It is too easy to click by accident, if you try t select a block from 
position 1 of a line....

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