[Lazarus] QT binding works!

Juha Manninen juha.manninen at phnet.fi
Wed Nov 18 19:55:14 CET 2009

On keskiviikko, 18. marraskuuta 2009 20:37:55 David Emerson wrote:
> How can I set this up properly? Setting "Target Directory" seems to have
> no effect (and the wiki notes that this is for the IDE only, not other
> components). I've been looking around the wiki, but can't find anything
> that explains this.

I found it easiest to get the latest development version from svn:

  svn co http://svn.freepascal.org/svn/lazarus/trunk lazarus

That creates a "lazarus" directory under the current dir. Then run:
  make all

Then open lazarus and configure build options like widget set, and build 

Later you can update the latest updates quickly from svn by:
  svn up


Juha Manninen

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