[Lazarus] Using latest FPC devel version with Lazarus

Juha Manninen juha.manninen at phnet.fi
Sat Nov 21 18:13:53 CET 2009

On lauantai, 21. marraskuuta 2009 13:24:32 Mattias Gaertner wrote:
> Juha Manninen <juha.manninen at phnet.fi> wrote:
> > However I wasn't able to configure Lazarus "FPC source". It complained
> > that the directory doesn't look right or something,
> Maybe you should read the message more carefully. It explains what
> directories the IDE expects. Probably you have given the ~/fpc instead
> of your fpc svn directory.

Uhh, now I am confused. Earlier in this same thread you wrote:

> > Well, still easier would be to just configure Lazarus to use the new FPC
> > compiler and its source directory straight from the svn tree.
> The FPC sources are a big collection supporting more than 20 targets.
> Only the 'install' knows what files belong to the current target and
> this changes constantly. Lazarus would need to emulate the install
> process to find out which sources are the right one.
> Of course you can write some rules to support a common subset of
> sources for some common targets.
> If someone wants to write and maintain that, it can be added.

I understood I can't use the svn tree for Lazarus FPC sources.

Now, say I have dir "fpc_svn" containing the svn tree and then I have dir 
"fpc" where it is installed with "make install".
Which directory should I select in Lazarus as "FPC source directory"?

Juha Manninen

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