[Lazarus] Res: Res: Res: Res: More MaskEdit questions

Daniel Simoes de Ameida dopidaniel at yahoo.com.br
Fri Oct 9 14:42:48 CEST 2009

Hi Bart,

The problem remains... :(

I  believe many problems reported to Maskedit are using MaskEdits with TDBEdit (at the least on Brazilians Lazarus list)

On my applications, some times is necessary use TMaskEdit instead of TDBEdit, becouse of this problems... But this is not a easy approach, because we need to syncronize TMaskEdit with DB values, using DataSet's events OnDataChange and OnUpdataData...

I can write a Demo application, using TMemDataSet, but I'm not sure if you can test it... And maybe, some problems are on TDBEdits code, and not on MaskEdit....  

I belive I dont have enough skills to fix this...  So... if some one of Lazarus Developers could teste it, I will write a bug report on Mantis, and attach a Demo Project.

 []s Daniel

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De: Bart <bartjunk64 at gmail.com>
Para: Lazarus mailing list <lazarus at lists.lazarus.freepascal.org>
Enviadas: Qui, Outubro 8, 2009 6:29:32 PM
Assunto: Re: [Lazarus] Res: Res: Res: More MaskEdit questions


Autoselect wil select the whole text in the control.

What happens if you:
- select the control
- do Tab
- then do Shift-Tab

This will deselect, then re-select the control.
On Linux/GTK2 it will nicely select the first editable char in a
MaskEdit if you do so.

I can't test with a DBEdit, since I have no database package installed
in my current Lazarus.

(Try my updated working copy on


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