[Lazarus] One project and many versions of FPC?

Graeme Geldenhuys graemeg at opensoft.homeip.net
Thu Sep 17 15:46:18 CEST 2009

Mattias Gaertner het geskryf:
> The weapons are - the fpc config fpc.cfg - lazarus macros like
> $FPCVer, $TargetOS and $TargetCPU - using lazarus command line
> parameter --pcp

Thanks Mattias, this helps a lot.

Where does the command line parameter --pcp play a roll?  Different
shorcuts on the desktop with pre-configured FPC paths and compiler settings?

> The fpc sources should correspond to the compiler. The lazarus option
>  for the FPC source directory allows macros, especially the macro 
> $FPCVer which resolves for example to 2.2.5.

Can we define our own "custom macros" in the IDE? What is the "CodeTools
defines editor" used for? Is that maybe for custom macros?

> and set the source directory to /home/username/pascal/$FPCVer/fpc. 

Ah, I didn't know source directory supports macros. Another plus point
for having Mantis report #14558 implemented. :-)

> I recommend to use the FPC way of compiling FPC. Otherwise you can 
> easily run into trouble that no one can reproduce.

Yeah, I think I do that correctly - not sure if it's the "fpc way" though.

--------[ /opt/fpc_2.3.1/go46.sh ]----------
cd src
make clean
make all PP=/opt/fpc_2.2.5/bin/ppcx64
make install INSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/fpc_2.3.1 PP=/opt/fpc_2.2.5/bin/ppcx64
----------------[ end ]----------------

I have similar scripts for 32-bit compiler and unstable trunk. And I
always use the FPC 2.2.5 stable release to build newer releases.

  - Graeme -

fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

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