[Lazarus] Reconstructing Lazarus Website 2: the content

Chris Kirkpatrick chris.kirkpatrick at doctors.org.uk
Wed Feb 3 09:13:40 CET 2010

Paul Ishenin wrote:
> Still I think that we must use blue colors. IDE uses blue logo, blue 
> icons. Everywhere the blue color dominates. Web site can't be brown 
> but everything else blue. And I think that we are not able to change 
> logo and all icons to brown in a reasonable time.
Blue is only the colour of the IDE if one uses the default colour 
schemes of the OS. I happen to use a red/brown colour scheme in my KDE 
system and all the Lazarus widgets follow the red/brown scheme as well. 
It never occurred to me that there was any particular default colour 
scheme for Lazarus, and if I use it on a different computer with a 
different colour scheme, it follows the colour scheme of the host.
I think the web-site could follow any scheme it likes - personally I get 
bored with the usual default blue!

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