[Lazarus] ADO connections

Flávio Etrusco flavio.etrusco at gmail.com
Wed Feb 3 18:36:06 CET 2010

Assuming you've researched a bit already, I guess it's what it seems:
there's no support in FCL/packages, and I've seem no ADO library
ported for FPC. Maybe you can start by taking an existing ADO library
(I've seem some "betterADO" and the like) I see how much effort it'd
to adapt to FCL/how much TDataset is missing, and I guess several
people would be interested in helping.

This, considering you use a lot of DB-aware components, otherwise
using plain ADO interfaces is pretty simple.
On a side note, is there any open source COM TypeLibrary
"disassembler"? Is it legal that someone with Delphi generate the unit
and distribute it?

Best regards,

2010/2/3 Héctor Fiandor Rosario <hfiandor at infomed.sld.cu>:
> Dear friends:
> I have received a Delphi7 Project to interact with an Access Database using
> I need to know if FP and Lazarus have this possibilities as in Delphi.
> thanks in advance,
> Ing. Héctor F. Fiandor
> hfiandor at infomed.sld.cu

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