[Lazarus] GTK2 EraseBackgound

JoshyFun joshyfun at gmail.com
Fri Feb 5 13:57:58 CET 2010

On Fri, 5 Feb 2010, Paul van Helden wrote:

> On 2010/02/05 01:20 PM, Marco van de Voort wrote:
>>> It seems a significant portion of open source projects pick some animal,
>>> almost as some type of "mascot", and that is cool
>> How can something that everybody is doing be cool!??!
> Well, I like it. Animals are not common as mascots for commercial software 
> and to me, personally, shows that you're dealing with a community (warm, 
> friendly) instead of a corporate entity (cold, greedy). I don't know if it 
> all started with the Gnu or Tux and everyone else just jumped onto the idea, 
> but it clearly resonates with the open source culture on some level. Have a 
> look at this huge collection of open source mascots: http://chl.be/mascots/
> Just because something is common for some culture doesn't make it un-cool. I 
> think trying to be different just for the sake of being different is un-cool. 
> Nobody says you have to go and copy someone (like the Delphi pillar, etc, has 
> been copied in the Lazarus splash...)
> It is a real pity about Jack Wolfskin, but I'd still go for the paw and 
> refrain from making T-Shirts with it (or at least have the T-Shirts made by 
> someone who cannot be sued :-) ). A big cat's paw print is the ultimate 
> emblem of stealth and speed IMHO, since you never see the bugger ;-)

If you do see it up close, it may well be the last thing you'll ever see :)

Translated to Lazarus it means you'll never use something else again ;-)


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