[Lazarus] [fpc-devel] procedure ... message(); in Linux

Graeme Geldenhuys graemeg.lists at gmail.com
Thu Feb 18 18:16:22 CET 2010

Hi to the list,
I am just a beginner with lazarus....

I have installed it on my Debian 5.01....first fpc an then I have compiled 
lazarus from sources copied in /usr/src/lazarus.

It happens that all goes fine if I run lazarus as root (deprecated by Debian) 
from /usr/src/lazarus...I can compile examples and run them. 
I can even install new components and they appear into the IDE.

The problem rises if I run lazarus as normal user.

Having made "make install" now I have /usr/local/bin/lazarus-ide
available to all users .

If I run /usr/local/bin/lazarus-ide I have a hell of problems:

Units are not found anymore when compiling examples:
For any subdir I have to add into fpc.cfg a new entry -uF ....

When lazarus rebuilds for a new components it does it to the 
original /usr/src/lazarus but then it is /usr/local/bin/lazarus-ide
that is restarted....so I do not see any change into the IDE.

I have tried to compile lazarus as a normal user having the sources 
in /home/myuser/lazarus but this does not succeed. 

Please some advise....



pinozollo at gmail dot com 


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