[Lazarus] Improving IDE Internationalization

Marcelo B de Paula marcbp at terra.com.br
Sun Jan 24 16:33:14 CET 2010

>Anyway. What i'd like to say is that current implementation is working
>with both 2.2.4 and 2.4.0 (or later) versions of the compiler. And
>supports translated messages correctly.

Yes, i think that this modification can be tagged to a new release of 
compiler and ide.

About translate messages working correctly on prior versions, i cannot 
If i change compiler messages by loading another errorxx.msg in IDE or use a 
different errorxx.msg
to compile the compiler itself, the first thing i´ve noticed is that 
QuickFixItems stop working,
and message icons on message view form do not show correctly.

That´s because Quickfixitems and MessageView are comparing const strings in 
english only.


          and (System.Pos(') Fatal: Can''t find unit ',Line.Msg)>0);

  if REMatches(Msg.Msg,'Can''t find unit ([a-z_0-9]+) used by 
([a-z_0-9]+)','I') then begin


  cHint         = 'Hint: User defined:';
  cNote         = 'Note: User defined:';
  cWarning      = 'Warning: User defined:';
  clMsgHint     = clBlue;
  clMsgNote     = clGreen;
  clMsgWarning  = clRed;
  cLeftSpacer   = 0;
  if not (cdsSelected in State)
  then begin
    TheText := Node.Text;
    if Pos(cNote, TheText) > 0 then
    else if Pos(cHint, TheText) > 0 then
    else if Pos(cWarning, TheText) > 0 then

So, after changing TOutputFilter, there are much to do before using a custom 
language correctly.


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