[Lazarus] Parser

Mattias Gaertner nc-gaertnma at netcologne.de
Fri Jul 2 08:23:04 CEST 2010

On Fri, 02 Jul 2010 07:49:25 +0300
Adem <listmember at letterboxes.org> wrote:

> Well.. the whole point is to *not* maintain any more than *one* parser 
> --and, that includes current n parsers (I am not sure what the value of 
> 'n' is).
> That is the target.

I still don't understand what do you really want to achieve.
There are currently several different pascal parsers with different
abilities for different purposes. For example the fpc one for
compiling, synedit for highlighting, codetools has several for
directives, declarations, indentations, fcl has one basic and extendable
parser and so forth.
Each one has abilities that the others do not have.

What do you want to use the fpc parser for?

> So, could I now ask for some constructive --instead of discouraging-- 
> criticism.

The fear of slowing down the compiler and its development
without seeing the gain is discouraging.


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