[Lazarus] LazIntfImage and OSX

Wolfram Söns wolfram at soens.de
Mon Jul 5 22:30:01 CEST 2010

Hello Mark, thanks for your replies.

"I suspect that the colour representation varies, possibly depending on the system properties as interpreted by the TImage object."

I think its something in that direction.

"Noting your earlier "in timage windows and mac are the same, in tlazintfimage only windows shows the correct values.", I'd suggest posting both with an indication of which is which.

No, the Image is the same in both cases. 
I'll ry to explain it again:

There are uncrompressed bitmaps or jpgs as additional thumbnail views inside of almost any file of a digital camera.
I read this files and extract this pictures into a TBitmap for later use. 
When I show this bitmap (for example with a TImage Component on a form) anything is fine.

Then I try to read out the RGB Values from this bitmap again, the difference is the following:
- When I read the values directly out from the Bitmap, it works (Windows and Mac)
- When I use a TLazIntfImage for performance reasons here (and after filling the LazIntfImage with TLazIntf.LoadFromBitmap... ) then only the Windows version still shows the correct RGB valuesm which I get with FPColor.red and so on.

I hope you could understand my problem. 
Thanks and a good night, Wolfram  

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