[Lazarus] Some information please

Salvatore Coppola coppolastudio at gmail.com
Tue Jul 6 01:46:10 CEST 2010

2010/7/3 jjb <realnug at gmail.com>

> I am an interested observer of Lazarus but I know very little about it.
> I am interested partly because Pascal was the first language I ever used
> (it formed a very small part of a non-CS degree.)
> I understand that this is an open source project so I guess that those who
> develop it do so because they love it.
> Are these people users of Lazarus in their day jobs or is Lazarus just a
> hobby that they don't ever expect to use professionally?
> I only found Lazarus by accident it seems to have a much lower profile than
> other open source stuff (eg python, php, java etc).
> Is there a reason for this?
> Where in the world is Lazarus popular/not so popular. I see that there is a
> german language textbook that may be translated to english sometime.
> The level of skill in this mail group seems quite high. Do people come to
> Lazarus as already skilled programmers in other
> languages as I don't see many newbies asking simple questions.
> Or is it the case that people here are older on average and cut their teeth
> when Pascal was more popular?
> I guess I'm asking in a roundabout way if this community is growing.
> I have read in Delphi discussions many times people talking about how to
> make the language more popular.
> One of the issues always brought up is price. Lazarus doesn't have this
> problem so I wonder
> if price is a factor in Delphi's relative unpopularity.
simply inheritance of peaples who changed from dos TP to some visual
environment missing Dephi

My thinking is that languages need to get the kids interested and the way to
> do this is game development.
> I believe that C++ is the language of the serious game developers. I also
> believe that object pascal provides
> almost the same power as C++ but without a lot of the pain. Correct me if I
> am wrong as I don't know any of this from experience
> only from reading.
> I recently bought my 9 year old son this book The Game Maker's Apprentice<http://www.amazon.com/Game-Makers-Apprentice-Development-Beginners/dp/1590596153/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1278161293&sr=8-1> and
> he is working his way through it at the moment.
> It comes with software enabling users to easily create 2D games with all
> the bells and whistles (lives, health, levels, explosions) and supplies
> lots of resources (images and sounds) for sprites etc. For most of the book
> users learn to create games by instancing built-in objects
> and altering their attributes and behaviour. Only later in the book is
> coding introduced to enable users to extend beyond what's provided.
> I think it's a wonderful but imagine if the language that was introduced
> was object pascal!
> I would be grateful for any information.
> --
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