[Lazarus] QueueAsyncCall() scheduling

waldo kitty wkitty42 at windstream.net
Sun Jul 18 10:39:24 CEST 2010

On 7/17/2010 08:36, Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:
> I note (now :-) that QueueAsyncCall() works on a strictly LIFO basis, i.e. it's
> really a stack rather than a queue.

hunh? i thought a queue was an orderly format already... just like a stack... 
like getting in the queue to get on the metro or to enter the stadium to see 
your favorite band or to even buy lunch ;)

i must admit that i don't see the apparent difference :?

> Has anybody ever built a simple round-robin scheduler based on this, for example
> to handle low-speed comms on an indeterminate number of serial ports?

i haven't, yet :P

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