[Lazarus] Tutorial Compiling/installing FPC and Lazarus from Sources of SVN

Juha Manninen juha.manninen at phnet.fi
Sat Jul 24 20:01:12 CEST 2010

Marcos Douglas wrote lauantai, 24. heinäkuuta 2010 19:14:24:
> I agree. But compiling the source from the SVN can not be so simple
> for most people. So I think in this case (using SVN) the information
> should be detailed and, if possible, automate tasks using scripts.

It is easy when you leave the extra fillings out. For example Lazarus trunk 
for Linux is essentially:

$ svn co http://svn.freepascal.org/svn/lazarus/trunk lazarus
$ cd lazarus
$ make all

And it is not much more difficult in Windows, with or without the CMD scripts.

Building and installing the FPC trunk was supposed to be difficult.
I experimented and searched for information for long before I got it right.
But finally it is very easy. For Linux again it is a very short wiki section:

Sorry, only now I understood that you improved the old installation page which 
was badly outdated. It is better now but still it is long and intimidating for 
a new user. The download / installation pages are quite critical because they 
are the first thing a new person looks for.
Now those potential users get a "Uhhh, so difficult!" effect from the long 
If the instructions are divided into short pages with only one version and one 
platform / page, someone could get a "Wow, so easy!" effect. (maybe).

I know, it would require many pages but IMO that is OK. They would be linked 
from a central Download / Installation page which would be linked from many 
visible places in wiki.

> I have the energy. But I'm a little time in the community. Is that if
> I start changing the documentation, the oldest will give me an earful?
> I don't know... but if I have support, I continue.
> Another problem is: I think my English is not so good :(

To me your English looks good.
I think many people realize that the documentation is not perfect and would be 
happy about the improvements.
The old pages can be removed later when the new ones are good enough.

BTW, how to remove a wiki page?


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