[Lazarus] Reading a spreadsheet with fpspreadsheet

José Mejuto joshyfun at gmail.com
Fri Jul 30 01:22:11 CEST 2010

Hello Lazarus-List,

Friday, July 30, 2010, 12:12:30 AM, you wrote:

>> It looks like we aren't that bad either.
BB> How difficult would be to add text orientation in cell ?
BB> Or any other cell formatting (though it's a minor issue for me) ?
BB> Many report cases require for crosstab reports to have text headers
BB> being vertical.

Almost all attributes in Excel and I think in the other formats
requires in my opinion a large rewrite in the write procedure
specially, in fact in the "how data is streamed to file". I do not
know what Felipe thinks about this, but is quite possible that basic
formatting could be added in a near future if Felipe thinks that the
rewrite of this pieces of code is OK.

In the other hand, text orientation is not a simple attribute, but
maybe it could be done :-?

Best regards,

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