[Lazarus] Is Lazarus project in a downward spiral?

Marc Weustink marc.weustink at cuperus.nl
Mon Mar 8 10:33:50 CET 2010

Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:
> Zaher Dirkey het geskryf:
>> Yes that help me to port many component to Lazarus.
>> But it can make spicial unit only for those porting components, and for
>> who have more time can replace the function taht call API function to
>> call LCL function
>> API     FillRect(DC: HDC;....
>> to
>> LCL     FillRect(Canvas: TCanvas;....
>> to
>> Object   Canvas.FillRect(R:TR...)

This is (atleast) one of mu y plans.

> Then clearly you guys porting component to Lazarus are lazy. :-)  I have
> ported numerous components from Delphi to fpGUI. During the port, I only
> use the functions available in fpGUI (no Win API calls). Porting does not
> take that long, and fpGUI isn't even as compatible with VCL as LCL is with
> VCL. The end result is guaranteed to be 100% cross platform.

I don't count you as the average lazarus user. And you clearly didn't 
pickup the numerous incompatibility complains here, or the bugtracker or 
on the forum.

> This just highlights the point that the Win API cloning was a bad idea. If
> you want to make something truly cross platform, you implement it as such,
> using to top-level interface of the LCL classes. You don't use the "hack"
> idea of the Win API clone unit - that is inherently not cross platform.

Talking this after 10 years is easy. Implementing pieces of winapi gave 
an enormous boost to the development of the editor we use. It also made 
porting other delphi app a lot easier. So please shut up if you don't 
know where you talking about.


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