[Lazarus] Is Lazarus project in a downward spiral?

Graeme Geldenhuys graemeg.lists at gmail.com
Mon Mar 8 15:40:59 CET 2010

Hans-Peter Diettrich het geskryf:
> Why invent another API, when this will have to be implemented again for 
> *every* platform? You'll end up in the same number of fpXYZapi.inc 
> files, regardless of which API you choose or design yourself.

At least it will feel like it had cross platform support in mind. But I now
understand that those Win API methods are only used by developers that
don't port components correctly (lazy buggers). So I will not bother with
those for the LCL-fpGUI widgetset, instead I'll only work on the higher LCL
interface. Lets see how far I get. :)

> [1] Did you ever find documentation for the LCL widgetset interface?

There are wiki pages on how to implement LCL backend widgetsets. Other than
that, I often reference the LCL-qt implementation as that seems like the
most modern implementation.

  - Graeme -

fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

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