[Lazarus] creating a Lazarus package "NoGUIApplication"

waldo kitty wkitty42 at windstream.net
Fri Mar 12 21:34:19 CET 2010

On 3/11/2010 21:10, Hans-Peter Diettrich wrote:
> Mattias Gaertner schrieb:
>> The strange thing is, that every time I read your mails in the last
>> weeks about nogui and lazarus, I thought you meant the nogui widgetset.
> AFAIR the wish was an application with message processing, but without a
> GUI. Is this feasable at all, on a non-Windows OS?

wasn't this one of the features and capabilities of Borland's TurboVision stuff? 
looking at my TP/BP6 stuff, i see TVISION/APP.PAS contains the following ;)

{ TApplication object }

   PApplication = ^TApplication;
   TApplication = object(TProgram)
     constructor Init;
     destructor Done; virtual;

and then below that is procedure RegisterApp with constants like

Application: PProgram = nil;
DeskTop: PDesktop = nil;
StatusLine: PStatusLine = nil;
MenuBar: PMenuView = nil;
AppPalette: integer = apColor;

the TVDEMOS directory contains code related to forms and dialogue boxes, too... 
and all this done in textmode... no graphical modes at all...


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