[Lazarus] make clean bigide

waldo kitty wkitty42 at windstream.net
Tue Mar 16 18:35:15 CET 2010

On 3/16/2010 13:12, Kjow wrote:
> 2010/3/16 waldo kitty<wkitty42 at windstream.net>:
>> i would suspect so...
>> since lazbuild works for you, your actual problem/question is
>>    "how to pass -dOldAutoSize to/thru lazbuild?"
>> /that/ is the question that needs to be answered for you to use lazbuild and
>> get everything the way you want/need it...
> Yes, it is!
> Everytime I need to rebuild from IDE...

actually, i think it has been given... after i wrote the above, there were 
several more in the thread... i had forgotten that you were doing a make before 
the lazbuild... vincent seems to have given the answer with the following??

cd C:\Develop\Lazarus
svn up
make clean all OPT="-dOldAutoSize"
lazbuild --build-ide=
strip --strip-all lazarus.exe
strip --strip-all lazbuild.exe
strip --strip-all startlazarus.exe

the only other question may be where to add the "-Xg" so you don't have to run 
"strip" or have you already danced that dance? ;)

i like what you have there... can you tell what svn package that is? i'm on w2k 
on this machine so hopefully there's a version for it?

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