[Lazarus] Suggestion: Remove GTK1 support from IDE and LCL.

Graeme Geldenhuys graemeg.lists at gmail.com
Thu May 6 09:54:13 CEST 2010

06.05.2010 1:00, Mattias Gaertner ?????:
> On Wed, 05 May 2010 18:54:55 +0200
> And3mD<and3md at gmail.com>  wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Please close #13932. I haven't rights to do that.
>> http://bugs.freepascal.org/view.php?id=13932
>> Tested in WinXP, Vista (32bit) and 7(64bit).
> Closed.

0013932 - reporter is Yury Sidorov 
<mailto:jura at cp-lab.com?subject=%5BLazarus%200013932%5D%3A%20Double%20click%20is%20needed%20to%20select%2Fdeselect%20item%27s%20checkbox%20in%20listview%20with%20checkboxes> 
And3mD <and3md at gmail.com> is not Yury. I think that only the reporter 
can close the bug or we can close when we are releasing a new version 
with this fix. In other cases I would leave reports in the resolved state.

Best regards,
Paul Ishenin.
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