[Lazarus] WebLaz Apache

Lee Jenkins lee at datatrakpos.com
Sat May 22 17:08:31 CEST 2010

ABorka wrote:
> Did. But in the current economy the traffic is down, and because of CGI 
> doesn't require an Apache restart when anything changes in the app, we 
> are just using CGI at the moment (with HTML templates and template tags 
> using fpTemplate). Did not see speed difference between the two.
> However, any time the need arises, we can just recompile the app as an 
> Apache module in minutes and us that.
> The web module source code is exactly the same for CGI programs and 
> Apache mods, so no changes needed for the recompile at all.
> AB

Ah, I need pooling and richer session support than CGI offers so its Apache,
FastCGI for me.

Thanks for the info however!

Warm Regards,


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