[Lazarus] Attn Felipe, Lazarus Digest, Vol 28, Issue 174

Mattias Gärtner nc-gaertnma at netcologne.de
Mon May 31 12:01:26 CEST 2010

Zitat von Technical <tech at polypressuk.co.uk>:

> [...]>> Send Lazarus mailing list submissions to
>> lazarus at lists.lazarus.freepascal.org

Please remove text that has nothing to with your topic. It saves time  
of your readers.

>> Have you create a package for your AlSortGrid.pas?
> Yes I have created a package called 'pat.lpk' and this appears on  
> the Component Palette as 'PAT' with two components installed -  
> alsortgrid' and 'newstringgrid'. However, on compiling an  
> application with them, they do not perform correctly - the grid  
> contains no cells, and when writing to cells, they do not appear.

Ok. I just wanted to make sure, because it is a common error.

> [...]
>> lib/$(TargetCPU)-$(TargetOS)
> I thought this was already in the output path, but on invetstigating  
> again, I find it is not. When I have added it previously, it is  
> found by clicking the (ellipsis?) button to the right of the box.  
> However, on this occasion, clicking the button provides explorer  
> real directories rather than macros.

True. You can create a feature request.

> I have put in the macros as suggested and reinstalled for wince, but  
> I get the same error message
> "The project uses target OS=Error: illegal parameter; -Twin32 and CPU=Error:
> illegal parameter; -Twin32,

Still no proper wince compiler.

> The system.ppu for this target was not found by the FPC binary directories
> Make sure fpc is installed correctly for this target and the fpc.cfg
> contains the right directories."
> It then gives a Fatal message saying "Can't find unit Unix used by  
> FileProcs".

Maybe you set the wrong Target OS in the compiler options?

Note: Leave the Target OS/CPU in the package compiler options empty,  
so that it uses the Target OS/CPU form the project.


> I may not have installed Lazarus correctly - I installed the Win32  
> version first, then the Win32>WinCE version over the top of the  
> first, in the same initial directory of 'lazarus'. Is this correct -  
> I have found no istallation instructions, so assumed it was as  
> described.


> [...]
>> Have you tried to reproduce that in a small test program?
> Yes, just using the NewStringGrid component which is just a simple  
> descendant of TStringGrid

Can you create create a bug report and attach it? I'm sure that  
Felipe, the main maintainer of the wince widgetset will take a look  

> [...]
>>> In order to attempt to identify the cause of the problem, I have also tried
>>> to install an exact copy of StringGrid on the Component Palette.  
>>> It installs
>>> on the palette OK under Win32, but when trying to install
>>> it again under WinCE

What do you mean with 'install'?

Normally 'installing a package' means to compile a new IDE with the  
package compiled into it. Because the IDE can not run under wince you  
can not "install" a package for wince.

> [...]
>>> "The project uses target OS=Error: illegal parameter; -Twin32 and  
>>> CPU=Error:
>>> illegal parameter; -Twin32,
>> It means, you have not installed (or no not correctly installed) the
>> cross compiler and ppu files for wince.
> Thanks. How should I do this (compare with above, describing how I  
> have tried to do it, and which worked OK with 0.9.26)?

As far as I know Felipe has not changed the installation process. I  
have not tried myself.

> [...]
> I have the reference, and it appears similar to what I have done. It  
> does refer to 0.9.26/2.2.2 etc (which works OK on my installations),  
> and not to 0.9.29/2.4.1 (which I need for the clipboard facility in  
> wince). It does refer to various scripts which are needed to cross  
> compile, and I do not understand what these are for, and how you do  
> it. Is it for source code lazarus only. On each occasion, I have  
> downloaded binaries - will these need the same treatment?

Felipe, can you update the page for 0.9.28?


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