[Lazarus] Lazarus download page

Martin lazarus at mfriebe.de
Wed Nov 10 21:29:07 CET 2010

On 10/11/2010 16:37, Joost van der Sluis wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've been playing to build some more user-friendly download page with
> installation instructions.
> Before I continue, I would like to know whay you guys find of the basic
> idea:
> http://www.lazarussupport.com/tmp/index.psp/Compiler?section2=DownloadWizard
> Note: rest of the site doesn't work with this url. It's only to show the
> download-page. Clicking next a few times with the default options will
> work. If you select something else strange things might happen...
Nice, very...

- Far to many steps
- selection/next button not intuitive

My suggestions

- In order to make the headers a clear choice of selection, add a 
checkbox to each header. if the user selects it, it also opens the 
selected explanation.
As to clicking the header elsewhere:
   - could select the checkbox
   - could allow peak preview, not moving the selection
   - could select the checkbox, if none yet set, otherwhise peak preview

- for the button
   have a button in each explanation.
   Then you do not need checkboxes..., but something like a more/select 
button on each header, to open the explanation.

- for the pages.
   nested headers? if you select linux, then there could be several 
headers inside.

The ideas are just what came to mind, not sure which one will work best 
or at all, or not at all...


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