[Lazarus] GUI development for web UI

Michael Schnell mschnell at lumino.de
Fri Nov 26 09:58:03 CET 2010

On 11/25/2010 09:19 PM, ABorka wrote:
> . I always found the needed ExtJS extensions online, never needed to 
> develop them myself (A custom GridView for example, a double click 
> sorting functionality on the GridView header fields, etc.).
This suggests that doing a n ExtJS Widget Type interface for Lazarus 
would be a viable thing to do, as all the "outlandish" Java Script code 
already is in place and ready to be used .).  The Lazarus distribution 
would provide the Pascal code and mention download links to the Java 

Of course it would be nice, if design-time surrogates for the 
appropriate controls would be provided, too (similar to how ExtPascal 
works) (plus server-to-client notification, TTimer and EventQueue ... 
GDR :-P ).


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