[Lazarus] Loading old project into Lazarus_fixes causes lock-up...

Graeme Geldenhuys graemeg.lists at gmail.com
Mon Nov 29 16:03:06 CET 2010

Op 2010-11-29 13:02, Martin het geskryf:
> And btw quote: "version or revision". As for revisions it is clearly 
> said that they are not tested at all, so on this part you are absolutely 
> right. But it is not considered a problem.

There was a reason I said "version or revisions". First, a tagged version
in Lazarus's repository is a moving target (very weird, but that is the way
Lazarus team works with SubVersion tags). So you can't simply say tag and think that points to a specific commit in the repository.

The other reason was that after some back-ports were applied to 0.9.28.x
branch, it broken 0.9.28 for a few months. So due to that, and some other
broken feature I can't recall now, I was forced to move to 0.9.29 for my
day-to-day development environment.

  - Graeme -

fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

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