[Lazarus] TThread.WaitFor blocks the main event loop under Linux

Michael Van Canneyt michael at freepascal.org
Fri Oct 8 16:15:58 CEST 2010

On Fri, 8 Oct 2010, Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:

> Hi,
> [Just as well the Lazarus IDE didn't get the thread update mentioned a
> few days ago... where a thread was doing work, and the main thread was
> waiting for that thread to finish... it wouldn't have worked under
> Linux it seems.]
> I just stumbled across this issue in fpGUI, and I see MSEgui and
> LCL-GTK2 has the
> exact same problem. See attached project. I haven't tried LCL-QT, but I presume
> that same issue will persist.
> A simple program (just for illustrative purposes), where a thread
> updates the progress bar (the thread could be doing any long running process).
> Click the button, it creates a thread and
> starts it off. If then waits for the thread to finish, then displays
> that it has finished in the GUI, and free's the thread manually.
> If you use the MyThread.WaitFor to wait for the thread to finish, then
> the application is instantly frozen (even the thread), nothing gets
> updated and you have to kill the process.

This is normal, since WaitFor() is a blocking call.

You should never use WaitFor() in a GUI app, instead, you should set a
callback on the thread Terminate, and run the message queue while you're
waiting. It's not different from showing a modal form with ShowModal().

Procedure MyForm.OnThreadDone(Sender : TObject);


Procedure MyForm.DoSomethingInThread;

   While not FThreadDone do
     CheckSynchronize(10); // normally called in ProcessMessages.
   // Now thread is finished.

We could alleviate this by allowing to hook into WaitForThreadTerminate and
with this provide 'run message queue' callbacks.


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