[Lazarus] Indy with Lazarus, what is the latest state?

Marco van de Voort marcov at stack.nl
Tue Oct 26 11:23:09 CEST 2010

On Mon, Oct 25, 2010 at 11:01:19PM +0200, Thierry B. wrote:
> > > Where is the Indy 9 for freepascal/lazarus ?
> There isn't one.  Indy 9 never supported FPC.

This is wrong. There is a port that did support Windows. I never bothered
with Linux (because the libc using Kylix port was on the way out anyway)
But its use is not recommended and a dead end.

> > > The Indy 9 for freepascal is
> > > http://www.indyproject.org/Sockets/fpc/index.en.aspx
> That is for Indy 10, not Indy 9.  That is an old page anyway.  Support for
> FPC was merged into the main Indy 10 codebase a long time ago.  Follow the
> links on the main Indy website to the Indy 10 (Tiburon branch) code, and
> compile the FPC packages in it.

Recently the Tiburon branch has been merged back to trunk.

Indy is also planning to abandon the system/core/protocols package

Afaik indy10 works with Lazarus runtime, but afaik the designtime support
hasn't been updated in a while.

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