[Lazarus] rewriting of LConvEncoding

Guy Fink merlin352 at globe.lu
Fri Sep 24 22:19:57 CEST 2010

> > I want to contribute to the project with my knowledge of more than
> 20
> > years programming in Pascal (since the very first days of Turpo
> Pascal).
> ahhh... another oldtimer amongst us :P

:P yes, the good ald times, Turbo Pascal on 1 floppy, and the sources on the 2nd :-) and there was this 64KB limit (yes 64, not 640) *g*

> that would depend on the "fix" wouldn't it? it also depends on
> the core
> "guidance team" and if they accept the fix... remember one
> goal is to not break
> existing functionality... maybe your fix/enhancement would/should use
> different
> unit and include names so as to not break what's already being used in
> thousands
> of projects? that way the core team can bring it in gradually and/or
> existing
> projects can convert to it on their time and needs ;)

Thats what I have in mind. It is clear that existing projects should continue to work...

> > Is that really a reason not to start support for it? I don't think so. I even
> > think it is a reason to support it, Delphi does not have full Unicodesupport,
> > FPC will have.
> one must also remember and take into account that delphi compatibility
> is a
> goal... that FPC and Laz have the option and ability to move further
> than delphi
> is a plus but delphi compatibility is still a requirement...
> and what happens when delphi does add such capability? will your
> fix/enhancement be "updated" to match delphi?

Why not? But as long as Delphi does not have the capabilties, why should we restrict ourselve?

> > UTF32 is there in the world, and yes it is wasteful.. And so what?
> Is that a
> > reason to ignore it?
> on the surface, i'd say "no" but another question that comes
> to mind is why invest time in it if it goes nowhere?

If you support UTF16, UTF32 is really not a great investment, neither in time nor in resources.

> > These routines do not support all of the codepages. Further, the aim of a
> > library is not to wrap some OS routines but to deliver functionality to the
> > developer to help him solve his problem. Developers need solutions, not good
> > words of how clean and ligthweigth the libraries are.
> i tend to agree with this, on the surface... however, much is actually
> done by
> providing wrappers so that existing functionality and compatibility can
> be  maintained...

Adding functinalty does not mean that existings things have to been throwne away.

> >>> With static tables, I mean a table in a const-section,
> compiled and
> >>> linked into the code.
> one must remember that FPC's and Laz's smartlinking stuff is nowhere
> near like that in TP/BP or delphi... but i'm also not sure if that fits with what
> you are saying, either...

Ok, but you agree that it is easier for the compiler to optmize access to an array of WORD or DWORD, with a known size at compile time, than to a linked list of dynamic arrays of some record type?

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