[Lazarus] Using Lazarus on Embedded Linux?

Bo Berglund bo.berglund at gmail.com
Sun Sep 26 13:51:44 CEST 2010

>I've also replied to you FPC mailing list messages.
>This won't answer all of your questions but I hope it will help:
>   http://www.turbocontrol.com/embeddedfreepascal.htm

Wow! This looks exactly like the product I have been looking around for!
Except their datasheet links are broken so I cannot get detailed info
on the unit. :-(

One particularly important piece of information is the size of the 
screen (outside dimensions) so we can see if it will fit into the given
Maybe you have info on this, since you have used it?

>I'd be glad to discuss this in more detail.

Thanks for your offer! I will surely take you on your words and come back 
once I have set up a working Lazarus system on both Win XP and Ubunttu so
I can verify that it is indeed possible to talk to our equipment via RS232.
I will use the examples posted here as a starting point for a very simple
comm program to see if I can get the data out of the serial link.
Then I need to dig down deep into the cross-compilation problems for the
target board and then your advice will be vey vluable indeed!

>For some serial code, look for "Simple Serial" on this page:
>   http://www.turbocontrol.com/monitor.htm

I have downloaded it and tried to open it in Lazarus, but there seems not 
to be a project file that Lazarus recognizes. :-(

If I try to open the pas file Lazarus offers to create a project for me 
but then I don't know what to enter in the following dialogs so I gave
Is it really a Lazarus project at all???

I did a command line compile as directed on the webpage and it produced 
an exe file that looks like a console application, so I guess that it
like that in any case. It listed my two com ports and then ended.

Have to study the "Getting Started" docs for Lazarus to get the basics
in place. Once that is done I hope not much will differ from developing
in Delphi 7 so I can get productive fairly soon...

>Paul Breneman

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