[Lazarus] config problem - deleted pkg source

Mattias Gaertner nc-gaertnma at netcologne.de
Sat Apr 30 08:02:22 CEST 2011

 Marc Santhoff <M.Santhoff at web.de> hat am 30. April 2011 um 00:45 geschrieben:

 > Hi,
 > I've tested a package by installing it into lazarus. I forgot about that
 > and deleted the pkg source. Now, when starting lazarus, a warning is
 > shown saying sth. like:
 > "The package is installed but no .lpk file was found. A dummy package
 > was created."
 > OK, after skipping those warnings I tried to deinstall the package using
 > lazarus' dialog (Package - > Install/Uninstall packages), but when
 > selecting the package in question and hitting the "Uninstall" button
 > there is another warning:
 > "The package can not be uninstalled, because it is needed by the IDE
 > itself." 
This warning comes for LCL, codetools, synedit, lazcontrols and IDEIntf. You can
not uninstall them.
Otherwise you found a bug.

 > How can I fix this problem without having to restore the package
 > deleted? 
Start a default build Lazarus, e.g. built via a make clean all - this does not
change your list of install packages. Then build the IDE.
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