[Lazarus] Migrating from Laz 0.9.30 (fixes_0_9_30) to Laz 0.9.31 (trunk)

Marcos Douglas md at delfire.net
Sat Aug 6 01:15:56 CEST 2011

On Fri, Aug 5, 2011 at 8:06 PM, Martin <lazarus at mfriebe.de> wrote:
> On 05/08/2011 23:54, Martin wrote:
>> On 05/08/2011 23:52, Marcos Douglas wrote:
>>> 1. restored lazarus.old.exe to lazarus.exe
>>> 2. start IDE (I see just the default pallete)
>>> 3. click in 'Package'>'Install/Unistall packages...'
>>> 4. I see my packages in the "Install list"...
>>> 5. I choose any package the the "Do not Install" (the rebuild button
>>> was enabled)
>>> 6. click in "Save and rebuild IDE"
>>> 7. my packages were installed!
>>> =)
>>> Is the best way to do this?
>>> NOT, the error continues...
>>> If I use the menu Build, the error that I talked in first mail continues.
>>> Anybody have an idea?
>> Try to delete *ALL* *.ppu and *.o file in the entire lazarus directory
>> then rebuild.

>> Maybe some path was changed, and now the file exists in both locations.
>> clean will only clean the one that will be rebuild

I did this and now I can not compile...
Error: \ide\laz\0.9.31\packager\registration\fcllaz.pas(1,1) Fatal:
Can't find unit system used by fcllaz

> While the first bit may help, sorry, I mixed up to mails while reading, and
> answered to the mixture I read (applied another erro msg to your
> mail...)....
> I have been continually updating from SVN. I never needed to go into the
> package menu.
> When you migrate, there may be a point where you have to build from the
> commandline with "make" => or you get a pre-build lazarus exe from a
> snapshot.
> Then with that l;azarus.exe you can use the Menu Tools/Build dialog. And
> that should rebuild it with the list of configured packages.

But how I installs (migrate) my packages old 0.9.30 to 0.9.31?
The way I said before is right?

Marcos Douglas

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