[Lazarus] OT: Delphi XE2 uses FPC, plus VCL just not portable

Graeme Geldenhuys graemeg.lists at gmail.com
Sun Aug 7 23:09:46 CEST 2011

On 7 August 2011 22:00, Dimitri Smits  wrote:
> "the middle of the world map" does not exist. If by the depiction you
> mean conventional Greenwich 0 meridian = horizontal centre,

I don't know what world or time you live in, but in todays day and
age, the African continent is dead center in the world map. To think
of it, the African continent is apparently holding the record for the
oldest human shaped skeletons too (they have some or other name I
can't remember), depicting that it is the continent where human-kind
started. But I wouldn't know much of that, I just believe what I read
and see on National Geographic channel. ;-)


  - Graeme -

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