[Lazarus] New widgetset

Graeme Geldenhuys graemeg.lists at gmail.com
Tue Aug 16 08:44:36 CEST 2011

On 08/15/2011 06:47 PM, dhkblaszyk at zeelandnet.nl wrote:
> This
> widgetset is very light-weight and has an OpenGL backend (easily
> extendible). This means that it's very usefull for projects that use
> OpenGL and do not want to add dependencies on a "heavy" widgetset. It
> also makes your project look the same on all platforms because all
> drawing is done from the code.

This sounds so familiar. ;-)

I downloaded, compiled, and installed libglut3. When I run the example
project from the command line, I get the frame of the application, but
no contents, and continuous output as follows to the console.

Failed to allocate :
   size      : 0 bytes
   alignment : 256 bytes
   domains   : 2
Failed to allocate :
   size      : 0 bytes
   alignment : 256 bytes
   domains   : 2
Failed to allocate :
   size      : 0 bytes
   alignment : 256 bytes
   domains   : 2
Failed to allocate :
   size      : 0 bytes
   alignment : 256 bytes
   domains   : 2
Failed to allocate :
   size      : 0 bytes
   alignment : 256 bytes
   domains   : 2
Failed to allocate :
   size      : 0 bytes
   alignment : 256 bytes^C


The above output never ends, and I need to kill the application.

I'm using 64-bit Ubuntu 10.04 with FPC 2.4.5

  - Graeme -

fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

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