[Lazarus] where's the 'X'?

Hans-Peter Diettrich DrDiettrich1 at aol.com
Tue Aug 30 00:21:00 CEST 2011

waldo kitty schrieb:

>> This feature is not implemented in the windows page control, it is in 
>> gtk2.
> ahhh... i would have thought that it would be implemented everywhere :?

While the ComCtrls originate in Windows, the LCL based them on other 
widgetsets (mostly gtk), and left only rudimentary functionality in the 
Windows widgetset.

> so i need to make a feature request somewhere? i don't think my 
> widget-fu(?) is enough for me to locate where and do what is needed to 
> be able to offer a patch :(

After a couple of tries, to make the Tab/PageControls work as in Delphi, 
I gave up offering patches for these controls. If I ever need Delphi 
compatible ComCtrls, I'll implement my own WinCtrls.

The only reasonable feature request were for a separation of really 
Delphi compatible controls (VCL), working at least in the Windows 
widgetset, and another (parallel) set of portable Lazarus controls, with 
different behaviour and features (something like CLX).

If you want to put your hands on the Win32 widgetset, supply an 
ownerdraw procedure for showing the 'X'. Then the gurus should be able 
to fix the hit test, so that the widget can react on an 'X' click, and 
can offer the tab menu from a right click on an tab. Both features are 
not supported yet.


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