[Lazarus] 0.9.30 merges are not really merged???

Graeme Geldenhuys graemeg.lists at gmail.com
Wed Feb 2 11:35:04 CET 2011


Original bug report: http://bugs.freepascal.org/view.php?id=18401
Original patch by Paul:  section of it shown below.

The Wiki pages [http://wiki.freepascal.org/Lazarus_0.9.30_release_plan]
shows than r28946 has been merged into 0.9.30 fixes branch. Well, I just
got an update (fixes branch at r29327), and rebuild my IDE. The
merge/fix is NOT in the fixes branch.

I then browsed the SVN repository using my web browser, and viewed the
file Paul amended [ide/infobuild.lfm]. Again, the last change to the
infobuild.lfm file was back in r28810 (23 December 2010). Here is the
direct link to that file's history:


So how do we know if all the other merges to 0.9.30 really are merged or

commit af3000d6d1797aa9441a9d26f1578e484218eddc
Author: paul <paul at freepascal.org>
Date:   Tue Jan 11 04:01:59 2011 +0000

    ide: set autosize to parent panel to prevent clipping of bottom
bevel (bug #0018401)

    git-svn-id: http://svn.freepascal.org/svn/lazarus/trunk@28946

diff --git a/ide/infobuild.lfm b/ide/infobuild.lfm
index c05d816..ebbdbad 100644
--- a/ide/infobuild.lfm
+++ b/ide/infobuild.lfm
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ object CompileInfoDlg: TCompileInfoDlg
   OnCreate = FormCreate
   OnKeyDown = FormKeyDown
   Position = poScreenCenter
-  LCLVersion = '0.9.29'
+  LCLVersion = '0.9.31'
   object PnlTitle: TPanel
     AnchorSideLeft.Control = Owner
     AnchorSideTop.Control = Owner

  - Graeme -

fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

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